Where does your business come from?

Where does your business come from?

Business comes from many sources, whether that’s direct sales or being recommended by someone – do you know what the most effective source of business is for you? Take a look at your current batch of customers; how did they find you?  If you don’t know, ask them...
The Chattering Classes

The Chattering Classes

Auberon Waugh invented this phrase to describe the middle classes who were well-educated, had strong political views and were social concerned.  It wasn’t a compliment!  Today it might be used in a completely different way – to describe people who spend all their time...
The Chattering Classes

7 steps to Social networking success

Social media is a powerful tool – for both social and business use.  It’s like being in a massive networking event where you can seek out exactly who you want to talk to and get into conversation. If you’re in business this is excellent news – and most business people...
Marketing – one bite at a time

Marketing – one bite at a time

If you’re not a natural marketer it can seem like a huge mountain to climb to put together a successful and ongoing marketing campaign for your business.  Then when a new product or service is launched you have to go back to the drawing board. The challenge is...
Managing your social media

Managing your social media

I use social media quite a lot and people are always asking me how I manage to be so prolific – and find time to work too!  The secret is to have a system, use the tools that are available and set time aside to manage your posts. I’m not going to review...