We’ve already talked about posting your blog content in more than one place, but there’s another way to get your words in front of a wider audience.

This is about placing the link to your blog in as many places as possible. There are a couple of tools that will help with this.

The first tool is www.ping.fm – this is a distribution tool that offers you the opportunity to put one message in and post to about 20 different social networking, social bookmarking and microblogging sites.

Of course, you will need to set up accounts on each of these sites, which takes time, but, once it’s done, that’s it. Set yourself a target of one account a day – it shouldn’t take longer than about 15 minutes.

Do make sure you put a photo in and complete the profile properly or nobody will take you seriously. Blank accounts are viewed as ‘fake’ – people wonder what you are hiding.

The plus about Ping is that it is also linked to tools such as Hootsuite and you can, therefore, manage your Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn accounts as well as posting into Ping and then your message hits all your accounts in one hit.

The second tool is www.onlywire.com. This is very similar to Ping in that it’s a distribution network and there is some overlap (so only sign up to a network on either Ping or Onlywire – not both).

All the same ‘rules’ apply to Onlywire as to Ping, except that it isn’t connected via Hootsuite, you will have to use the Onlywire submitter to send your message out to all the social network accounts you’ve attached to it.

When you have posted your blog you will then need to put the headline and the URL into Ping and post it, and use the Onlywire submitter to send the link to all your social networks. One post and two clicks and your blog appears on about 40 different sites.

That means that you post once and more and more people discover your opinions, knowledge and business.
Sign up on the right and get your free reports, tips and information that will help you get your message across in writing.

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