The Contact us page is rarely ‘written’. It’s that page where your email, phone number and snail mail address goes. Sometimes it’s also the page where you ask people to embark on a form filling exercise. Why do you need copy?

Every page should have a headline and a headline is there to engage people, so your Contact us page needs something to connect with the reader too. These are the sort of headlines that can work on Contact us pages:

  • Still not sure? Give us a call
  • If you have a question contact us now
  • You’ll get the help you need … (followed on in first line of text with ‘and we’re friendly and knowledgeable too!’)
  • What else do you need to know?
  • There are many more options, but I’m sure you get the idea.

    You don’t need lots of text on your Contact us page, but a line or two creating a friendly, helpful, knowledgeable and open approach often helps to get action. It’s also important to tell your reader ‘pick up the phone or send us an email’; people do respond to instructions.

    Don’t ask them to fill in a form – at most you will need their name, email address and query.

    You don’t need their phone number – and asking for it can result in them leaving your website as it may suggest to them that they will be the target of a spate of unwanted sales calls.

    As a first contact you don’t need other information – like address or details of their situation in relation to your product. Get a relationship going and then ask questions. I know it’s a quick way of getting information, but, as a potential customer, I want to work with people who care about my needs, not people who respond to data lists!

    Keep it short, keep it friendly and stick to the essentials!
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