So many people I meet at networking events have acquired a pull up banner stand to promote their business. They use them at their own events and exhibitions too and they’re often missing a trick in making this highly visual marketing aid deliver potential leads.

Let’s take a look at the logistics of how a banner – or any exhibition stand – works.

1. It needs to grab the attention of the people who are passing by or in the vicinity. A logo or company name doesn’t do this. Actually most people are not interested in the name of your company first and foremost, they want to know what they can get. Bland headlines don’t work ‘Perfect payrolls’ isn’t enough ‘Payroll is boring’ is much more likely to get people interested. Yes, one of my clients has used this one!

2. It needs a small amount of text – and that needs to be loaded with benefits. In other words it needs to tell people ‘what’s in it for me’, not just what is nice to have. Three or four bullet points should be more than enough.

3. The contact details – web address, email, phone number – need to be at least half way up. Remember that there are people about and not only are we less inclined to look down at the bottom, but when there are people in the way you can’t see anything that low down.

4. It needs some visual imagery to give it energy, but nothing overpowering and mostly situated in the bottom third to half as it’s less important if people don’t immediately see this.

Banner stands are there to get attention and get a conversation going – not to tell people everything you want them to know about your business. Less is definitely more!
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